AL$ Lends a Hand

AL$ is lending a hand to empower students to continue their education through the use of low/no-cost learning resources to bridge some of the material that is not covered in their courses. Explore OERs, low-cost, and library resources below to learn about the immense collection available to you! #ALSLendsaHand

CSU's Affordable Learning Solutions enables faculty to choose and provide more affordable, quality educational content for their students. By reducing CSU student course material expenses, more students acquire the course materials they need to succeed and benefit from their CSU learning experience. Now CSU faculty and students have greater access to quality free and lower cost learning materials through a variety of AL$ programs and partnerships.


Your guide for AL$ advocacy on your campus and potential low/no cost textbook resources.


Your guide to your campus AL$ initiative and faculty low/no cost materials' showcases.


Your guide and complete toolkit for implementing and leading your campus' AL$ initiative.

AL$ Reporting

Research on the expanding implementation of affordable learning solutions.

Featured Faculty Showcase
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Jodye Selco, Cal Poly Pomona
OER Title: Chemistry 2e. from OpenStax
Course Title: General Chemistry


Recent news of Affordable Learning Solutions in the California State University.